Wednesday, March 28, 2012

First Post! WOO!

Hello friends!

So this is my first blog post. I'm gonna start it off nice and simple-like and just tell all of you why I'm making this awesome bloggy-bloggerson.

I like to cook and make yummy food, and I've been posting pictures of all my yummy food on the book of face, and people have been asking me what my recipes are and such... so yeah! (now I'm using run-on sentences!)

So about 25 days ago, my lovely boyfriend, Colin, and I decided we were not going to eat like fatties anymore and change our way of eating. I heard about this amazing thing called The Paleo Diet (a.k.a. The Caveman Diet, Primal Diet, etc) through one of my customers at work. She said one of her friends tried it, loved it, lost weight, and is now a much happier person! I thought to myself, "Huh... it would be nice to not feel like I would like to die, throw up, or kill innocent people after I eat...maybe I should try this out." ::rubs chin in deep thought::

"What is The Paleo Diet?" you may be asking yourself, or your computer screen in an attempt to talk to me. Well there is this cool thing called the Internet and it will tell you everything you need! But if you don't want to search the interwebs right now, I'll give you brief insight to this lifestyle change! (Yes, I'm calling it "lifestyle" and not "diet" because the word "diet" makes me a sad panda.)

The Paleo Diet is pretty much eating how human beings are supposed to eat. Things that can be hunted or gathered, not man-made, cultivated, or not real food (i.e. spam, cheese wiz, tofu). Mainly you eat meat (beef, pork, chicken, fish), vegetables, fruits and nuts. You may NOT eat things like corn, potatoes, any dairy product (except eggs, cause you can find those under chickens butts and can steal them and eat them), grains, legumes, and most importantly anything processed. So if you are reading a food label, and one of the ingredients goes something like "monounsaturated xahfntlsjsand i-cannot-pronouce-you" then I would stay away from it.

For the best information on how to eat Paleo, I would go to one of these websites:
The Paleo Diet
Mark's Daily Apple
Nom Nom Paleo (My FAVORITE food blog. She is pretty awesome.)

Like I said earlier, Colin and I started this new way of eating 25 days ago. Since then we have both lost weight (he has lost 11lbs and I have lost 9lbs), have had less stomach problems, and find that we are actually enjoying the food we are eating! Who would have thought that I would have preferred a bowl of fruit over a big ol' plate of nachos?! Not this girl! I've even thought about eating non-Paleo foods, and got over it in a matter of seconds. Sorry, Taco Bell, this lady is not giving into your 99 cent burritos anymore!

To end this first post, I'm going to say that I am not here to "convert" anybody, or force you into my way of living. That's just rude. I'm simply appealing to the people who are interested in my new lifestyle and want some of my recipes. On that note, some of the recipes are mine that I made up myself (I'm pretty awesome, I know. Yay Culinary School!) and some are from other websites/books that I have found. I'll be sure to specify where I got my recipes so if you do decide to make this delicious AND nutritious food, you will have the means to.

Ok thanks. :)

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